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A pixelated hand comes out of the ground from a grave and reaches for a mobility wheelchair symbol. In the background are dark trees and lightning

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A pixelated hand comes out of the ground from a grave and reaches for a mobility wheelchair symbol. In the background are dark trees and lightning

Halloween character costumes that are actually scary

Here are some costume ideas that will scare the life out of your disabled pals.

  • Halloween character costumes that are actually scary
    The D*List
  • With Halloween coming up, it’s time to spook out your nearest and dearest disabled friends. Here are some ideas that will scare the life out of them, but you probably won’t find them at Look Sharp. 

    Supermarket Karen Who Wants To Pray For You


    Pams canvas tote bags
    Cross necklace
    Elizabeth Arden Red Door perfume
    Touchy hands

    Parking Warden Who Doesn’t Believe It’s Your Mobility Permit


    High-vis jacket 
    Cricket hat with neck tie
    Notepad and pen
    Judgey personality

    Minister for Disability Issues That is Not Disabled 


    Fully functional legs
    Brief experience working in the disability and/or health sector
    ‘Tick box’ exercise of an accessibility bill
    Optional accessory: A disabled family member

    Rugby Player Who Uses Disabled Bathroom 


    #9 All Blacks jersey
    Rugby ball
    Fade haircut or mullet wig

    Pyramid Scheme Aunty Who Tries to Sell You Supplements


    Gift bag labelled with a DoTerra, Arbonne, Herbalife or Amway sticker
    Invitation to next product party
    Free samples that will ‘cure you’
    Persistent personality 

    Heavy Box of Medical Files


    Cardboard box
    Your name on a sticker label
    Manilla folders
    Lots of paper - at least worth 1kg in weight 

    Elevator Repair Guy


    Tool box
    High-vis vest
    Terrible timing

    Bouncer Who Thinks You’re Drunk (And Not Disabled)


    Dark sunglasses
    Security badge
    Does not come with: Patience



    Lime green t-shirt
    White pants 
    Inconvenient placement in the middle of a footpath

    Receptionist Who Removes You From A Waiting List


    Printed email referral form from your GP
    Collared shirt with knit vest over the top
    Wheelie office chair
