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A small child sits on the lap of a wheelchair rugby athlete.

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A small child sits on the lap of a wheelchair rugby athlete. Photo credit: Olivia Shivas

Wheel Blacks in action in Wellington

In May 2024, The D*List went to capture the speed, agility and grit of the athletes competing at the World Wheelchair Rugby Paralympic Qualification Tournament. 

Image description: A team of 12 Wheel Blacks athletes are in a circle on a court doing stretches and warm ups.

  • A team of 12 Wheel Blacks athletes are in a circle on a court doing stretches and warm ups.

Image description: Players in a Canadian wheelchair rugby team are reaching for a ball from a New Zealand athlete.

  • Players in a Canadian wheelchair rugby team are reaching for a ball from a New Zealand athlete.

Image description: Six Wheel Blacks athletes are lined up on a court side and engaged watching the sport.

  • Six Wheel Blacks athletes are lined up on a court side and engaged watching the sport.

Image description: A Wheel Blacks athlete throws a ball high over a Canadian player on a wooden court.

  • A Wheel Blacks athletes throws a ball high over a Canadian player on a wooden court.

Image description: Two people in wheelchairs are watching wheelchair rugby from the court side.

  • Two people in wheelchairs are watching wheelchair rugby from the court side.

Image description: A female Wheel Black player carries the ball with grit and passes other players on the court. 

  • A female Wheel Black player carries the ball with grit and passes other players on the court.

Image description: A Brazilian wheelchair rugby athlete has his hands wrapped up on the court. There is a Germany flag being waved behind him.

  • A Brazilian wheelchair rugby athlete has his hands wrapped up on the court. There is a Germany flag being waved behind him.

Image description: A Brazilian wheelchair rugby is tipped backwards in his wheelchair on the court.

  • A Brazilian wheelchair rugby is tipped backwards in his wheelchair on the court.

Image description: A German wheelchair rugby is tipped backwards in his wheelchair on the court.

  • A Canadian wheelchair rugby is tipped backwards in his wheelchair on the court.

Image description: The Wheel Blacks team performing a powerful and emotional haka.

  • The Wheel Blacks team performing a powerful and emotional haka.

Image description: A coach of the Wheel Blacks stands and yells passionately; the rest of the team line up behind him also look excited.

  • A coach of the Wheel Blacks stands and yells passionately; the rest of the team line up behind him also looking excited.

Image description: A wheelchair rugby athlete grabs the ball with his wheelchair leaning on one wheel and rams into another player.

  • A wheelchair rugby athlete grabs the ball with his wheelchair leaning on one wheel and rams into another player.

Image description: Wheelchair rugby athletes bash into each other in their chairs with the ball flying over their heads.

  • Wheelchair rugby athletes bash into each other in their chairs with the ball flying over their heads.

Image description: A black metal rack holds spare wheelchair tyres.

  • A black metal rack holds spare wheelchair tyres.

Image description: Wheelchair rugby athletes from New Zealand and the Netherlands try grab a ball in the air.

  • Wheelchair rugby athletes from New Zealand and the Netherlands try grab a ball in the air.

Image description: Gareth Lynch of the Wheel Blacks yells passionately from the side of the court.

  • Gareth Lynch of the Wheel Blacks yells from the side of the court.

Image description: Team New Zealand supporters cheer, clap and smile from the sidelines.

  • Team New Zealand supporters clap and smile from the sidelines.

Image descriptions: Athletes and the support crews from New Zealand and the Netherlands line up to shake hands after a match.

  • Athletes and the support crews from New Zealand and the Netherlands line up to shake hands after a match.

Image description: A small child stands between two wheelchair athletes, with a player wearing a singlet reading "LEFONO 15" has his hand wrapped around her.

  • A small child stands between two wheelchair athletes, with a player wearing a singlet reading "LEFONO 11" has his hand wrapped around her.

Image description: A small child sits on the lap of a wheelchair rugby athlete. The child wears a Wheel Black t-shirt.

  • A small child sits on the lap of a wheelchair rugby athlete.

Image description: Athletes from Canada and Australia play in the final game of the wheelchair rugby tournament. 

  • Athletes from Canada and Australia play in the final game of the wheelchair rugby tournament. 

Image description: An Australian wheelchair rugby player tips in his chair on one wheel as other players crowd around him.

  • An Australian wheelchair rugby player tips in his chair on one wheel as other players crowd around him.

Image description: An Australian wheelchair rugby player crashes into a Canadian athlete and tips in his chair on one wheel.

  • An Australian wheelchair rugby player crashes into a Canadian athlete and tips in his chair on one wheel.
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